Break Through Daniel Rudman Study

The Published Research Study by Dr. Daniel Rudman
Shows the Benefits of Boosting HGH Levels in the Body

Worldwide, there are  now over 20,000 clinical research studies that show the positive affects of elevating HGH levels in the human body. Here are just a few of them which conclude that elevating HGH levels in the body has helps symptoms of aging.

On July 5, 1990, Daniel Rudman, MD ( a leading researcher in HGH treatment ), along with his associates at the Medical College of Wisconsin, published an article in the very well-known New England Journal of Medicine.

They concluded a ground-breaking research study monitoring the results of six months
of ( synthetic ) HGH injections on a group of twelve ( 12 ) men, between the ages of
sixty-one ( 61 ) and eighty-one ( 81 ) years old. They used a control group of men in the same age range to compare their findings.

The amazing results of their research trial made medical history. They discovered that the group of men taking the HGH injections had gained an average of 8.8 percent of muscle. At the same time, they also lost an average of 14.4 percent of body fat, with diets or exercise. Moreover, they found that their skin had grown thicker and firmer, while the lumbar bones of their spines had increased.

"The effects of six months of ( therapy with ) Human Growth Hormone ( HGH  ) on lean body mass and adipose-tissue mass were equivalent in magnitude to the changes incurred during 10 to 20 years of aging", says Dr. Daniel Rudman. He then adds: "The overall deterioration of the body that comes with growing old is not inevitable."